Pre-owned Car Finance

We’ll help you acquire your new car swiftly and effortlessly, offering repayments that are superior to your bank or car dealer!

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Car Loan Options

Secured Car Loan

Lower Rates • Higher Borrowing Power • 1-7 year Terms

A Secured Car Loan is an exclusive financial solution to acquire a new, nearly new, or pre-owned car. Lenders will hold an ownership stake in the car (or another of your assets) as security until the loan is fully repaid. If you fail to pay off the loan, the car is at risk of being liquidated by the lender.

By utilizing the car as security for the loan, Secured Loans offer the most competitive rates and well-calibrated repayments. This symbiotic arrangement empowers our lenders to provide lower interest rates, as the security underpinning the loan mitigates risk, even in the unlikely event of nonpayment.

Ideal If: 

  • You envision yourself buying this car within a set monthly repayment budget. 

Unsecured Car Loan

More Flexibility • Ideal for Older Cars • 1-7 year terms

Unsecured Car Loans, also recognised as Personal Loans, encapsulate an essence of freedom, as you can acquire a new, nearly new, or pre-owned boat without having to pledge your car as security to guarantee the loan. In other words, the car’s ownership is in your name completely. 

Unsecured Car Loans provide more flexibility compared to other loan types. However, the absence of security introduces an elevated risk for lenders, so interest rates are typically slightly higher.

Ideal If: 

  • You are seeking to purchase an older, more distinctive, niche or unique car.
  • You want the freedom to possibly sell your car without affecting your financial arrangements. 

Business Car Loan

Unbeatable Rates • Tax Optimization • Low Doc • 1-7 Year Terms

Business Car Loans, also recognised as Commercial Loans, are loans tailored for the purpose of purchasing a car for business endeavors. They offer an ensemble of competitive rates and repayments compared to other conventional loans, and unlock tax advantages such as the ability to claim GST and depreciation.

Ideal If: 

  • You are seeking to purchase the car for business purposes. 
  • You want to accommodate business cash flow or accounting structures.

Why Grand Loans stands out​

When you choose Grand Loans, you’re choosing reliability, transparency, efficiency, and exceptional service.

Experience and Expertise

With years in the lending industry, Grand Loans has a proven track record of understanding and meeting the financial needs of its clients


We believe in complete transparency. There are no hidden fees or surprise charges. Everything is laid out clearly from the start.

Quick Approval Process

Time is of the essence. Our streamlined application and approval process ensures that clients get the funds they need, when they need them.

Excellent Customer Service

Our dedicated team is always ready to assist, ensuring that every query is addressed promptly and every concern is resolved to the client’s satisfaction.

Grand Loans, providing you a better way to finance your car

Buying a vehicle is a significant investment. Grand Loans makes this process affordable and straightforward. By partnering with over 40 Australian lenders, we ensure competitive finance solutions for every client.

Our Lending Panel

1300 889 996